Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Banqiao Zheng's calligraphy(2)

Two good pieces of Banqiao Zheng's calligraphy works. The first Tiaofu tells a complex story about a girl,Cao E,who was involved into a political thing.Cao E became a famous person later because of her clever and loyalty.Banqiao Zheng traveled to her famous tomb and made such a Five Characters couplet.(Simpled Chinese-青溪上虞女,侧召赴京师)

The second Tiaofu(条幅) is about another story in Three Kingdoms period of China which promotes a loyalty spirit.(Simpled Chinese-问自蜀历荆,楚,爱夷陵)

the first Tiaofu Written by Banqiao Zheng

The second Tiaofu Written by Banqiao Zheng

中国书法 Copyright@2009~2088

Banqiao Zheng's calligraphy(1)

Two good pieces of Banqiao Zheng's calligraphy works. The first one is a vertical bannar.Its content means helping his students in Tianyouan House.Zheng wrote this banner in order to memorizing his teacher career. The other one is a piece of Five Characters couplet.

The first one

The second one

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Banqiao Zheng's brief introduction(郑板桥简介)

About Banqiao Zheng's brief introduction(郑板桥简介)

Zheng Xie (traditional Chinese: 鄭燮; simplified Chinese: 郑燮; pinyin: Zhèng Xiè)(1693-1765), commonly known as Zheng Banqiao (traditional Chinese: 鄭板橋; simplified Chinese: 郑板桥; pinyin: Zhèng Bǎnqiáo) was a painter from Xinghua,Jiangsu province of China. He began life in poverty, but rose in the exam system to become a magistrate at Shandong. However, after 12 years, he became critical of the life of an official because he reportedly was criticized for building a shelter for the poor, and so he resigned. After that, he expressed himself in art and became one of the Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou. He was noted for his drawing of orchids, bamboo, and stones. In 1748 he briefly resumed an official career as "official calligrapher and painter" for the Qianlong emperor, but was fired in 1753 following a corruption charge. He was also a calligrapher who created a new calligraphy style influenced by his orchid drawings. Added to this, he had an interest in literature and poetry. He preferred to write about ordinary people in a natural style.

The old self picture of Banqiao Zheng(郑板桥)below:

Banqiao Zheng's old picture Banqiao Zheng's old picture In Qing Dynasty
He ever lived in the old house below.

Banqiao Zheng's old house Banqiao Zheng's old house In Qing Dynasty

His Chinese brief introduction is below:

1693 -1765 清代著名画家。字克柔,号板桥。江苏兴化人,乾隆元年(1736)进士。工诗、词,善书、画 。 诗词不屑作熟语 。 画擅花卉木石,尤长兰竹。兰叶之妙以焦墨挥毫,藉草书中之中竖,长撇运之,多不乱,少不疏,脱尽时习,秀劲绝伦。书亦有别致,隶、楷参半,自称“六分半书”。间亦以画法行之。印章笔力朴古逼文、何。为人疏放不羁,以进士选县令,日事诗酒,及调潍县,因岁饥为民请赈,忤大吏,罢归,居扬州,声誉大著。恣情山水,与骚人、野衲作醉乡游。时写丛兰瘦石于酒廊、僧壁,随手题句,观者叹绝。著有板桥全集,手书刻之。所作卖画润格,传颂一时。为“扬州八怪”之一。卒年七十三。郑燮一生画竹最多,次则兰、石,但也画松画菊,是清代比较有代表性的文人画家。《扬州画舫录》、《国(清)朝画徵续录》、《桐阴论画》、《墨林今话》、《墨林韵语》、《随园诗话》。

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Banqiao Zheng's art works-郑板桥画作

This is a Banqiao Zheng's art work collection.Banqiao Zheng(郑板桥)is one of the Eight Eccentric Painters of Yangzhou(扬州八怪).His calligraphic works were callected by all fomous collectors.Here are eleven calligraphic works,just enjoy them!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

another gadget for my new blog

This is an cool new website gadget coverface for my blog.If you want to get one freely,now go to the cool flash builder site and build your new cool website or will like this cool forever,I bet! enjoy it now!

a great widget for my blog

This is a new website's mainpage of mine.I set up a new website in use Flash Builder to finish my new website.You can enjoy a new style of my blog.

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